posts (5)


Best TV series of 2023

Back by popular demand (nobody asked really), here are the best TV series that I've watched in 2023. Derry girls Derry girls came out in 2018 and features only 3 seasons and 19 episodes but boy what good episodes those 19 are. Set in Londonderry…

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Your time to shine

After Mia got admitted into her boarding school in Kota Bharu, that leaves Hana alone as the sole survivor of SMK Jalan 2. Although she does not show it, I know she must be feeling a little bit left out since all her siblings are…

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Spread your wings and fly

We've been trying to get Mia into a boarding school for the longest time. When she was transitioning to secondary school, it was the height of the pandemic and I think we applied on the regular ministry website but failed to get into any of…

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Night at the hospital

Remember the time I was hospitalised to check an abnormality on my heart? That was today. It's a long story but long story short, during a routine medical checkup at the hospital, the result showed something abnormal about my heart. So they suggested I run…

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Here's to the crazy ones

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them,…

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